A switched-mode power supply is also called a switcher, an electronic power supply. It incorporates a switching regulator to convert the electrical power efficiently. The Switch mode power supply transfers power from a direct current or alternating current source to DC loads. The pass transistor of the switching mode supply continuously switches between:
- low-dissipation
- full-on and full-off states
It consumes little time in high-dissipation transitions, which is minimizing wasted energy. Converting a form of electrical energy into another is the work of SMPS.
Switched-mode power supplies are smaller and lighter because the transformer is much smaller. It operates at a high switching frequency that ranges from hundred kHz to various MHz. Switching regulators are also used as replacements for the linear regulators when it requires:
- higher efficiency
- smaller size
- lighter weight
How does SMPS work?
Switching power supplies are the electrical power converters, which convert AC or DC input voltage to the needed output voltage. The electricity used at home is provided by the utility company through AC. The AC electricity is transmitted over long distances with small losses. Once the electricity arrives at your home, it should be converted to DC used by your device.
It is where the switching power supply comes in, taking the alternating current and converting it to DC. Switching power supplies have main components to rectify and transform, but include regulators. The rectifier works as a converter on the alternating current from the electrical utility into the direct current used to power up the device. The transformer steps down the voltage at the right level needed by the device before the entire circuit is turned on and off at its high speeds.
The device is very helpful when you want to save money on your electricity bill with a stable source of energy you need.
When to use a switching power supply?
After you understand how switching power supplies work, the next is to know when to use it. The switching power supply is highly efficient and reliable in supplying energy for various applications. Here are the reasons why you should consider using SMPS:
- Reliable source of energy
- Energy saving solution
- Wide voltage options
- Long lifespan
- Easy installation and maintenance
Switching power supplies offers an efficient and reliable source of energy for applications that need changes in load or frequent fluctuations. SMPS are easy to install and maintain and have a longer lifespan compared to their rivals. Leveraging the features of SMPS helps save money on your utility bills while having access to quality energy sources.
- 為什麼需要開關電源?
開關電源也稱為切換器、電子電源。它包含一個開關調節器,可以有效地轉換電力。這 開關模式電源 將電力從直流或交流源傳輸到直流負載。開關模式電源的傳輸電晶體在以下各項之間持續切換:
- 低耗散
- 全開與全關狀態
它在高耗散轉換中消耗的時間很少,從而最大限度地減少了能源浪費。 SMPS 的工作是將一種形式的電能轉換為另一種形式的電能。
開關模式電源更小、更輕,因為變壓器更小。它以從數百 kHz 到各種 MHz 的高開關頻率運作。當需要時,開關穩壓器也可用作線性穩壓器的替代品:
- 更高的效率
- 尺寸更小
- 重量更輕
了解開關電源的工作原理後,接下來就是知道何時使用它。開關電源為各種應用提供高效率、可靠的能源。以下是您應該考慮使用 SMPS 的原因:
- 可靠的能源
- 節能解決方案
- 寬電壓選擇
- 壽命長
- 安裝維護方便
開關電源為需要負載變化或頻繁波動的應用提供高效可靠的能源。與競爭對手相比,SMPS 易於安裝和維護,且使用壽命更長。利用 SMPS 的功能有助於節省公用事業費用,同時獲得優質能源。